Saturday, June 5, 2010

Chapter 4 - Master Teachers


  • The most significant characteristic of master teachers is not their race or gender but the expectations they have of their students.
  • Students need teachers who will make them learn.
  • If you listen and observe children, they will tell you how to teach them.

I feel that expectations are so important. I know that I suffered from low expectations in behavior my first year teaching. I really wanted the students to have appropriate behavior; however, I rationalized inappropriate behavior and sometimes even blamed myself for the students' behavior! The author stated, "[Master teachers] understand the difficulties students have in the community at home, but refuses to victimize them further by making excuses for them." I see how clear expectations affect student performance. I completely agree with the author when she focuses on the importance of teacher expectations. Students do need teachers that will make them learn. A student can be made to learn when he/she is motivated to learn through inspiration. 
The mediocre teacher tells
The good teacher explains
The superior teacher demonstrates
The great teacher inspires.

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