Saturday, May 22, 2010

Chapter 2 - White Female Teachers


  • Most teachers in America are white.
  • Most teachers in elementary schools are white females.
  • Code switching is the ability to translate informal dialect/communication into a more formal way. This is seen in students that speak Ebonics. If a student can be taught to code switch, communication can be more effective. For example, treating African American students are bilingual rather than degrading Ebonics and shadowing it in negative light.
  • Although many educational institutions value diversity in the teachers, the color of the teacher does not impact the student as much as the expectations of the teacher.


I feel that I should be more open to Ebonics. I can identify it as an area where that I should become more understanding. I do not allow the students to use informal communication addressing me. I could possibly treat the students as bilingual rather than treating the informal style as negative. It seems logical that some students will use Ebonics with or without my "openness" to it. If I can teach the students to code-switch between formal and informal versions of English, I can help prepare them for real world experiences. I will work on addressing that differently in the future. Additionally, I completely agree that the color of the teacher does not matter as much as the expectations of the teacher.

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